Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What is Your Purpose?

The other evening I watched, “Signs” starring Mel Gibson.  It had been years since I originally saw it.  Always being philosophical, I loved it the first time and feared the same connection would not happen.  It did.  But why?

Everyone needs a purpose in life.  The older I become, the more urgent the need to discover my purpose.  In “Signs,” each person had their purpose and in the end it all came together what those purposes were.

Unfortunately, while we all have a purpose (and I firmly believe this), many of us aren’t afforded the opportunity to discover what that purpose in our life was.  Like the mother in “Signs,” did she know that her last words were the reason for her existence?  Does it matter that we find out?

Those with children have the joy of simply carrying on a part of them.  I never had children and so am often wracked with grief that when I die, that’s that.  Perhaps that’s why we blog, carve our names into trees, write on bathroom walls, scratch our initials into stone.  We want to visualize that we were here; that we matter.

“Signs” helps me relax that I don’t need to know my purpose.  I have to trust that God will use me as He sees fit and whether I am aware of what my existence means is not important.  Just knowing that my life had purpose is enough.

Until I take my last breath, however, I do not want to live blindly just flowing with the current.  I will continue to always strive to lend a hand to those in need, a shoulder for others to cry on, arms to support an elderly friend, legs to run errands for those who can’t.  I will go forth doing the best that I know how.

Know that you matter; you were created for a purpose.  Now go and live it!