When I was ten, I remember falling out of a tree swing and falling at least ten feet if not further, landing on my arm. It hurt more than anything else I can remember from my childhood, but nothing broke. When I neared fifty, I fell the distance of six inches off a step and broke my foot. What gives?
We endure many broken moments in our life. Remember your skin breaking out around the age of thirteen? Maybe the billionaires of today were the teenagers of yesteryear who pooled their money and invested in Stridex. The hardest break is the broken heart. Oh, we look back now and give current teenagers sage advice such as, "There is more than one fish in the sea." Who the heck wants a fish?
As we age, parts start to break down and seemingly harmless acts cause damage. My friend
broke a tooth on a Pretzel Crisp sample at the grocery store. The back corner of her lower molar was missing. Thinking it was a big chunk of salt, she had thrown it away before realizing it was part of her missing tooth.
My answer to our gradual breakdowns? Eat tons of ice cream in hopes of avoiding or delaying osteoporosis. If the calcium from the ice cream doesn't help, at least the layers of padding added around our bones may help cushion the fall.